By focusing on overall reform and expansion, China the largest population in the world is among few countries that are able to transform their educational system quite dramatically. As a result of this push, the overall education levels have seen an impressive change in China which now has become during case studies on developments being made into the field of Education. In this piece, we highlight various aspects of the Chinese education sector and how far it has come as well as what remains to be fixed.
Elementary and Secondary Education
It is mandatory: Chinese law states that for those children who possess a right to citizenship, they must complete nine years of schooling – six years at primary school level and three in junior middle school. According to recent figures, nearly 99.7 per cent of the relevant age group is registered in primary education – a rate that amounts almost to universal enrolment.
Upper Secondary Education: After completing basic education, students may take up to three more years of general upper secondary schools and technical/vocational-upper-secondary-education schools. The rate of enrolment for senior secondary education is estimated at around 88%, which marks a significant improvement over the past ten years.
Higher Education Expansion
Rapid expansion of the higher education system: Over teroityears, China has seen a dramatic increase in the number of universities and colleges. This growth from roughly 1,000 universities in 1997 to over 2,500 by the end of last year has opened up higher education opportunities for more students.
Global rankings: Chinese universities have been climbing to the greatesst heights in global lists, claiming spots such as top of Asia for Tsheinghua University and Peking Research. That growth is fueled by vast research and develop investments.
International Students: With China’s improved image in the global education market, more students from all over the world are choosing to study there. The country is the third-largest host of international students in terms of enrollment numbers, and over 490 thousand foreign learners participate here every year.
Adult Education and Local literacy rates
Adult Literacy: China has made remarkable progresses in adult literacy, with the rate of literate adults touching 96.8%. These are impressive numbers particularly when considered against the rates of only a half-century ago.
LifeLong Adult Education: When considering adult education programs, this is possibly one of the most important definitions that individual schools and organizations interpret.
Challenges and Reforms
But despite this success, Chinas educational problems continue to be tensely regional (with massive disparities in the quality of rural schools) and intense national pressure from a ferociously competitive college entrance exam higher than any other; The Gaokao. Ongoing reforms include efforts to reduce homework and examination pressure, the improving of teacher quality, as well expanding preschool education.
Looking Forward
The policies and the investments clearly exhibit Chinas stance towards education. The approach of the government here is quality education for all which means that students in villages should get identical inputs as urban city students.
To dive deeper into how educational levels are below, visit our complete guide on china education level. The site provides insight into how education in China is evolving as we look to the future of Chinese youth and also its influence on global education.